If you're a new player it is NBA 2K22 MT recommended to test Button shooting in the beginning and you'll have a larger margin of success than Pro Stick shooting, but experienced players in the 2K series should utilize the Pro Stick method instead. For assessing the quality of your shot during games, the new shot meters in NBA 2K22 were added. It's not necessary to have a lot of meter to score the perfect shot if you two opponents who are in your way.
2K is encouraging you to think more strategically when you are preparing for shots, rather than relying on your juiced shooting attributes to carry you to the final line. Therefore, while the shot gauge will look a little identical to previous years, the gauge will be able to change dependent on the shot's quality.
The badges are a reward that your player can earn while playing NBA 2K22. How you set up your MyPlayer account will determine how many shooting badges your player can benefit from. You'll have a variety of options in this regard, and some will greatly aid your shooting performance in NBA 2K22. We'll go over some of our most popular options below. Each will boost the shot count in some aspects and allow you to achieve higher shooting performance from specific areas of the court.
Timing is perhaps the most important element of shooting. This will be key as the moment you've got familiar with your player's shot measurement and pinpoint where their sweet spot is you'll know when to release the button or pro stick precisely at the time.
Like any sport, some aspects can take time to master. Shooting is one of the most difficult in NBA 2K. However the various MyPlayer badges and builds will be worth it in the long run.
Buy MT 2K22 and this viral TikTok post of Post Hook turned corner three is proof. NBA 2K22 has had mixed reviews since its launch with some fans awestruck by the additions to MyCareer on newer consoles and some who are frustrated by the game's shortcomings.